Women are Extraordinary: 31 Facts About Women Who’ve Made History [Women’s History Month]
12.00 USD
Teachers, feel free to use this resource as flash cards or daily short mini lessons to help educate and spark children's interests about extraordinary women who've made history.
This book includes:
- 31 researched facts about 29 different women who've made history. One per page so you can use as flash cards or a daily activity.
- Women from different nationalities and cultures.
- Women from multiple professions: doctors, lawyers, scientist, athletes, poets, activists, teachers, etc.
- Women from multiple time periods: 1800's, 1900's, and 2000’s
Each fact page includes: picture of featured woman, researched facts and professions of the woman featured.
Some the Women listed in this Book: Helen Keller, Michelle Obama, Amelia Earhart, America Ferrera, Kristi Yamaguchi to name a few.
PDF (Acrobat) Document File: Be sure that you have an application to open this file type before purchasing.
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Sweet Sadie Mae
Sweet Sadie Mae