Characters | Sweet Sadie Mae ®

Helping children build character through books, standards-based lessons and engaging English Language Arts activities.

Our Characters

Sweet Sadie Mae & Friends

Diverse characters to help children connect and learn.


Sweet Sadie Mae

Sweet & Sour by the Hour

Sweet Sadie Mae can be sweet and lovable one minute, and sour and sassy the next, but all because of her passion to do the right thing.

Even though she's not very good at it, she loves to draw, and still dreams of being a famous artist when she grows up. In the meantime, she settles for being the best player on her school's basketball team.

Sweet Sadie Mae loves her friends, especially her best friend Barkley, whom she secretly admires, and her dog Maggie, who also likes Barkley.


Ben & Bobby

The Bold and Bashful Twins


Ben is the sporty half of the Ben and Bobby twins. Ben’s favorite subject is gym, and he loves to play sports. The only thing that he enjoys more than playing sports is playing tricks on his brother Bobby.

Ben can be mean sometimes, especially to other kids who don’t play sports as well as he does. Sweet Sadie Mae always reminds him that he shouldn’t be mean to others.


Bobby is the brainy half of the Ben and Bobby twins. Although Bobby is better than Ben at basketball, his favorite hobby is conducting science experiments. He wants to be a scientist.

Two years in a row, Bobby earned first place in the annual Science Fair, but he is most proud of helping his brother Ben with his math homework.



The best friend you'll ever have, and the only kid in school who hasn't climbed the jungle gym, Barkley is a shy, kind kid who loves playing basketball and dodgeball.

He's the best writer in his class, but the worst marble player ever, especially at Cedar Park, he's always losing his marbles when he plays there.

As Sweet Sadie Mae's best friend, Barkley's always there for her when she needs him. Even when Sweet Sadie Mae is sassy with him, he still remains her friend.



Maggie is Sweet Sadie Mae's faithful and loyal companion, except when it comes to Barkley, whom she loves a little bit more than Sweet Sadie Mae.

Maggie has the best time when she's walking to the neighborhood store with Barkley and Sweet Sadie Mae, because she knows she'll get a treat afterward.

Her fun, energetic personality helps Sweet Sadie Mae get through times when she's sad or on punishment.



Butterflies and Apple Pies

Good friend to Alona, and foe to Bobby, Heather wants to be great at everything she does. That’s why she’s jealous of Bobby, because he’s the only kid in science class who’s smarter than her.

Heather loves butterflies and apple pies, which she cooks with her grandmother on Sundays.

When Heather grows up she wants to be a dentist because she likes clean teeth.