Sweet Sadie Mae: Kids Character Education Activities, Online Books, Traits, Lesson Plans for Children | Sweet Sadie Mae ®

Helping children build character through books, standards-based lessons and engaging English Language Arts activities.

Sweet Sadie Mae Character Corner®

The Sweet Sadie Mae Character Corner® is an online educational platform filled with online books, stories, facts and biographies, to help young learners develop their CCSS English Language Arts skills, while also teaching positive character traits. [For Ages 5-14]

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Education Articles

For Educators (Teachers & Parents)

Positive Character Traits List for Kids

During a child's developmental years we all look for good and bad personality traits that can help define a child's character. Children usually… Read More

Best Friends Forever BFF Quotes

Quotes About Best Friends Here are some BFF quotes (best friends forever) from some of our character building short stories. Enjoy them and feel free to… Read More

Good Quality Character Traits Every Kid Should Have

As parents, grandparents and caregivers, there are numerous quality traits that we want our children to have. In this article, we’ll talk about… Read More

Free Kids Games What Would You Do?

A great game to play with kids is SSM What Would You Do?™ In this game, kids read or listen to a SSM What Would You Do story and at the end they… Read More

Bullying Quotes for Kids

When looking to help your students protect themselves against bullying and to help them talk to their friends about bullying, you can use the anti-bullying… Read More

Reading, Writing Quizzes, & Earning Badges with the Character Corner

The Sweet Sadie Mae Character Corner ® contains online books, stories, did you know facts, biographies and other content to help educators provide… Read More

Articles by Topics

Activities for Kids, Activities for Kids on Respect, Dictionary for Kids, African American Inventors, African American Scientists, Books, Children’s Books, Read Aloud Books, Bullying, Bullying Articles, Bullying Quotes, Bullying Stories, Stop Bullying, Character Education, Character Education Activities, Character Education Definitions & Terms, Character Education Lesson Plans, Character Traits, Character Traits List, Character Traits Worksheet, Good Character Traits, Positive Character Traits, Character Traits for Kids, Good Character Traits for Kids, Character Traits Graphic Organizer, Coloring Pages, Coloring Book Pages, Coloring Pages for Girls, Common Core State Standards, Common Core Lesson Plans, Common Core Standards Lesson Plans, Common Core State Standards Fifth Grade, Common Core State Standards First Grade, Common Core State Standards Fourth Grade, Common Core State Standards Kindergarten, Common Core State Standards Second Grade, Common Core State Standards Sixth Grade, Common Core State Standards Third Grade, Cyber Monday Sale, Did You Know, African American Women, Black History Month Facts 2017, Famous African Americans in History, Women’s History, Famous Women In History, Women’s History Month, Free Kids Games, Car Games For Kids, Games for Kids, Grade Level, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, Kindergarten, Hispanic Heritage Month, Lesson Plans, List of Character Traits for Kids, Quotes, BFF Quotes, Quotes About Best Friends, Respect, Riddles For Kids, Riddles For Kids : What Would You Do?, Stories for Kids, Bedtime Stories for Kids, Short Stories for Kids,