Activities for Kids Articles | Sweet Sadie Mae ®

Helping children build character through books, standards-based lessons and engaging English Language Arts activities.

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Activities for Kids

Best Friends Forever BFF Quotes

Quotes About Best Friends

Here are some BFF quotes (best friends forever) from some of our character building short stories. Enjoy them and feel free to use them as starting points to teach character to young learners. 

Best Friends Forever (BFF) Quotes

"Barkley, you don't have to be a girl to be my BFF, you just have to be my best friend forever!!!"
- by Sweet Sadie Mae

"Sweety a BFF (best friend forever) doesn't get you in trouble. A best friend is supposed to keep you out of trouble." 
- by Aunt Sharie

"Not so rough Sweet Sadie Mae, if Barkley's suppose to be your BFF, you have to treat him a bit nicer than you do." 
-Sweet Sadie Mae's Dad

"Barkley, it's ok for your best friends to tell you if you're wrong. That's what best friends are for." 
- by Sweet Sadie Mae

"If she's your BFF why did she say those mean things about you online? You have to do a better job at picking your friends Heather." 
- by Heather's Mom

Hope you enjoyed these quotes, feel free to use them in your learning environment, and if you do, please let us know in the comments. 


Bullying Quotes for Kids

When looking to help your students protect themselves against bullying and to help them talk to their friends about bullying, you can use the anti-bullying quotes below.

As educators and human beings, we know that bullying and harassment can be intimidating and harmful, but preparing our children with some facts about bullying can help them begin to understand why bullying is wrong.

Here are some Sweet Sadie Mae & Friends character quotes about bullying from our original stories featured on the Character Corner.

Enjoy, and please let us know if they helped you or not.


Anti-Bullying Quotes by Sweet Sadie Mae & Friends


- "Why are you bullying me? Just be cool with me, and then we can be friends."​
Author: Bobby


- "People don't like bullies. I know I don't like them."​
Author: Sweet Sadie Mae


- "Friends don't let friends get bullied."​
Author: Barkley


- "You won't make good friends by bullying people."​
Author: Sweet Sadie Mae


- "Grandma said bullies are like colds. Nobody wants one."​
Author: Sweet Sadie Mae


- "If you're a bully, you should feel ashamed of yourself."
Author: Joy


- "Barkley, no one should try to make you feel bad about yourself."
Author: Sweet Sadie Mae


- "If you teased someone until they frown, then you're a bully."
Author: Joy


- "Do you know bullying is wrong? Your grandmother would be ashamed of you!"
Author: Sweet Sadie Mae


- "Why are you picking on me because I'm different? Would you like for someone to pick on you? Then why are you picking on me?"​
Author: Hector


- "Barkley, those bullies are jealous of you, because you're smart and you have character!"
Author: Sweet Sadie Mae


We hope the quotes above help you in your goal to teach kids about bullying and how to address bullying.

Give us a shout @mySweetSadieMae to let us know if the anti-bullying quotes were helpful.

Thank you,


Reading, Writing Quizzes, & Earning Badges with the Character Corner

The Sweet Sadie Mae Character Corner ® contains online books, stories, did you know facts, biographies and other content to help educators provide children with the character building tools to make the right decisions, all while improving ELA skills. Music:


My Favorite Superhero, A Story About Sharing & Compromising at Halloween

Enjoy this read aloud of "My Favorite Superhero, The Battle for Mr. Galaxy" an original story from our Sweet Sadie Mae Character Corner® platform.  

"My Favorite Superhero, The Battle for Mr. Galaxy" takes place around Halloween, and opens up the conversation about sharing and compromising. It’s part of our SSM What Would You Do?™ Volumes. Similar stories are available on our Character Corner platform. Please tell us what you think. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments.



Bullying Definition

Bullying Definition

The definition of bullying is to tease, threaten or hurt someone who is smaller.   



Courage is having the strength to overcome an obstacle even when afraid.


Care & Kindness

Care and kindness is showing concern for others by being friendly, generous and considerate.



Bravery is completing a difficult or frightening task without showing fear.



The ability to feel, or show, pleasure and statisfaction.



The ability to remain calm when delays or problems occur.


Character Education Lesson Plans & Activity Ideas for Elementary Children

We all know how important the instruction of character education is in raising our children to be moral and ethical adults. 

Since children spend a large portion of their youth development in school, the bulk of their character education and reinforcement will come from teacher lesson plans.

Here are a few character education lesson plan ideas that teachers can use in their character education curriculum for elementary age children. Parents  can also use these ideas as a base for the character education activities at home with their children.

Character Education Lesson Plan Idea 1: Have an Open Discussion about the Difference Between Bullying and Playful Teasing

Kids will be kids, and they will tease each other with friendly intentions, but all children don't take friendly teasing well. When children have the ability to know the difference between bullying and friendly teasing, it makes it easier for parents and teachers to take proper action in cases of bullying.

For this lesson core, have a discussion with children  about the difference between bullying and playful teasing. Record discussion responses on a mind map and ask children if there are any questions they want answered about bully or playful teasing.

Character Education Lesson Plan Idea 2: Reinforce Respect for Teachers, Parents and Older Adults

Having respect for teachers, parents and caretakers is definitely an important part to a child's successful development. Without respect for these authority figures children miss out on the helpful advice that these adults give to them.

For the lesson core, focus on why it's important for children to have respect for authority figures.

Work through a scenario vs. chart, which shows two scenarios and two different outcomes:

  1. One where a child is in a situation where he listens to and respects an adult figure, which results in a positive outcome.
  2. One where the same child is faced with the same situation but disrespects the adult figure, which results in a negative outcome.

For a lesson plan activity on respect check out our teaching children respect for teachers classroom and parent and child activities.

Character Education Lesson Plan Idea 3: Show Examples of Good and Bad Character Traits 

Children should understand what good and bad character traits look like. When children recognize good and bad character traits they can identify the behavior that causes them, which will help shape their overall personality and character.

For the lesson core, show children examples of good and bad character traits. Integrate cartoon clips that have characters whose behaviors demonstrate good and bad character traits.

Here are some 80's - 90's Cartoon Shows with Characters that show Good and Bad Character Traits:

  • The Jetsons
  • Duck Tales
  • Dark Wing Duck

Summary of Character Education Lesson Plan Ideas

  1. Have an Open Discussion about the Difference Between Bullying and Playful Teasing
  2. Reinforce Respect for Teachers, Parents and Older Adults
  3. Show Examples of Good and Bad Character Traits

I hope these character education ideas for elementary school children help you develop full lesson plans to help children develop character. Be sure to check out our online platform Character Corner, filled with stories, biographies, facts and activities to help build children's character. Also read our showing respect for teachers activity to learn more about teaching children to show respect. 

If you have any character education lesson plan ideas that you want to share, please list them in the comments.

Thank you,



Being sincere or free of lying.



Displaying care and concern for others. 
